Do I need an Antivirus for my Macbook Air

Do I need an Antivirus for my Macbook Air? ( Quick Guide 2023)

In the past time, many people thought that Macbooks were safe because they weren’t as popular. Only a few people have used it. But nowadays, the situation has changed. Recently, Mac has faced security-related problems. A company called Malwarebytes said that threats to Macs went up by 400% in 2019. Macs were thought to be safe, but that’s not true. Especially, when many people use Macbooks.

 So much bad and harmful software is made for Mac that’s the danger for MacBooks. Many people think that Mac has enough security due to built-in antivirus. But some people argue that it is not sufficient. 

So, if you are a Macbook Air user you must have this worry that did your Macbook Air needs third-party antivirus or not. That’s why you need to know whether your Macbook Air needs antivirus or not. So after reading this article, you will know your answer. 

Do I need an Antivirus for my Macbook Air

Is Antivirus necessary for Macbook Air?

Mac users don’t need to be worried about viruses. While there’s concern about Mac malware, antivirus software isn’t a must. Yup, it is indeed very useful for extra security but it is not super necessary. Apple has built-in security to fight against viruses and malware. For example, Gatekeeper stops the access of unauthorized access and XProtect acts like Apple’s own antivirus. But XProtect doesn’t recognize as many kinds of harmful software as other third-party antivirus programs. And the list of harmful codes might not cover everything, which could make users more at risk.

Apple works to stop malware and quickly fix problems with updates. So, getting an antivirus is a good idea itself due to more Mac-focused threats, but Mac has its built-in security feature. We could say that Apple has strong security which is a good base. But having an antivirus on Macbook Air makes it more safe. 

Which Antivirus is best for Macbook Air?

If I’m a Mac user thinking about antivirus software, there are different options available, both free and paid. Some good choices include Intego Mac Internet Security X9, made for Macs with firewall and anti-phishing features; Norton 360 Deluxe, which has cloud backup, parental controls, and VPN for multiple devices; Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac, known for its parental control and webcam protection; VIPRE Advanced Security, which gives strong protection; and Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac, having a VPN and autopilot mode. People usually prefer paid versions for better security, speed, and efficiency.


In conclusion, the question of whether I need antivirus for my Macbook Air depends on my motive. Apple Macbooks have safety features. But the time has been changed and growing threats can’t be ignored. So if I want more protection of my data then antivirus is a very good option. It keeps our data safe and more secure than other Apple security built-in. In short, it is my decision whether I choose only Apple security features for my Macbook or I can get the antivirus for more protection of my data. And if you also want to get the antivirus, then you can get the knowledge about antivirus through this article. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

By having paid antivirus software, we reduce the risk of security issues and online attacks. It offers improved defense against various harmful programs and viruses, including unfamiliar ones. Moreover, it comes with security measures that stop problems before they start.

XProtect is like a built-in antivirus on Macs. It checks files and apps to stop bad stuff, and Gatekeeper makes sure apps are safe before we use them.

If you’re a Mac user looking for free antivirus protection, you can check out Avast, AVG, Sophos Home, Malwarebytes, and Avira. These options help keep your Mac safe from harmful software without requiring any payment.

Willaim Faulkner

About Author

I’m William Faulkner, author of LaptopsU, a laptop & MacBook review blog. I’ve been writing about laptops & MacBook for over seven years now and I love it! In my reviews, I try to provide accurate information on the specs of each laptop & MacBook, as well as my opinion on how it performs.

I thrive on finding new laptops & MacBook to review and helping people make informed buying decisions. If you have any queries you can get in touch with me through following social media accounts.

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